A Girl Named Jo

you'd think something little would be easy to hide.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Action in the PM

Not that kind of action!

I'm not surprised to hear that CNN and FOX news had covered this.

I'd lie if I said I wasn't scared. It was my first one. I was settled in about 10 minutes, mostly because my boss (who lives 2 doors down from me) was so calm. I'm not that worried about them for the future, it is just a reality in living here.

I asked one of the Sgts what he thought they were aiming at, cause basically they just shoot and hope, and he said, "You Ma'am." It was the perfect answer that got us all laughing.

PS: Jean, don't get a tattoo, unless it says "Tattoo"


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Chandster said...

Jean get two tattoos. one on each shoulder blade. one says tat and the other says too and then you can push your shoulders together and it'll say tattoo.


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