A Girl Named Jo

you'd think something little would be easy to hide.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

We are the weirdest things they've ever seen

We went to a meeting in the city at the building of transportation. This place isn't visited by Americans often, so when we showed up we stuck out. Typically it is the boss with myself and his security guard and anyone we may be meeting with. This day there was only 1 other person, a female Major.

I have a feeling this is what it would be like if I was famouse. People were stopping their friends to get them to join in staring at us. I watched more than a couple people point as we walked by. The main staircase loops around in a way that you can see, from any floor, anyone else on it. When we were on the bottom floor, I looked up to see at least 10 people hanging over the railing staring at us. It was awkward enough that I couldn't stop laughing to myself.

The weird thing for me was I suddenly became very conscious of my hair being blond, that I was wearing pants and that I am a woman. These are 3 things I'd never have thought I'd be self conscious about.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Chandster said...

I've always felt awkward about your hair being blonde. Seriously, blonde? What's that? Actually when I first read the title I thought about you being female and blonde and that's exactly what you pointed out. You are having so many cool and interesting experiences. LUCKYYYYYY.

At 4:16 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

One base we have TVs. I don't know about world cup but we get baseball games lately and a channel that has History Channel programs, Animal Planet programs and lame hallmark movies sometimes.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger blake said...

How 'bout Lifetime, Television for Women?

At 9:09 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

Not anymore, it caused a huge supply problem with tissues.

it made too many soldiers cry. We couldn't keep up.


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