A Girl Named Jo

you'd think something little would be easy to hide.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Picking on Pilots

I haven't been into any mischief here at all so I guess I had a sneaky streak coming.

I drafted this email for a pilot who needs my boss to write him a letter the other day. His wasn't exactly what my boss would have written so I redid the whole thing.

He works in a section we call the JOC (said jock, for Joint Operations Command I think, not sure) and I added in two things to see if he'd notice. This was an email written by me for him to send to my boss, the General 1. The opening line said, "please put away all shiny things to aid in concentration." and 2. Instead of JOC I wrote, "We are facing potential manning problems in the Jock."

I found this to be very funny and was very relieved that he sent it to me, for me to send to my boss because they laughed at, and noticed my shiny things line, but left Jock in their message! TOO funny, Oh pilots. They make it so easy.


At 5:34 AM, Blogger Dave said...


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Chandster said...

When I read this title I thought it said picking UP pilots. And I thought what an odd thing to put up on the blog for all to see.
Okay have fun picking up pilots

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Dave said...

How's it goin'?

At 3:57 PM, Blogger blake said...

In honor of this post, I'm wearing a jock tonight.

You know, show my support for the troops.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

I'll wear a bra today...

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Chandster said...

not me...
no underwear at all. Free. Free as the wind blows.

At 1:13 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

Uh Chands, the unwritten rule to going commando is that you have to at least wear pants. Otherwise it's just being naked.


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