Recently I've been going through fashion magazines, the Vogues, In Styles... and I realize I spend about 90% of my time looking at the amazingly obscure advertisements. Most of these have nothing to do with the product they are marketing, in fact my favorites are the ones where the product isn't anywhere in or hinted to in the picture, I don't know why but I love them.
So, in my red sunglasses this is my ad for....

...uh, potato peelers I think, or socks.
After seeing this I had a strange uncontrollable desire to buy bananas...just so you know, you're a marketing genius
Joanna Banana,
I am amazed at the stuff you come up with. You are so funny mang.
Dear Jo today I bought socks and potato peelers neither of which I needed but I felt compeled. Heart forever Chandler
PS then I bought red sunglasses
My friend whose a Marine Sgt. no joke. He is funny and up for my weird ideas like these... actually he hams it up way more that I do.
Yeah, I took an ad class in college, and I remember one where this guy is totally covered in layer after layer of clothing (shirts and undershirts and inner jackets and outer jackets and corduroy pants and fancy boots, etc.). He was sitting in a room that was completely jammed packed with books and bookcases, floor to ceiling. He himself was sitting in this fancy leather chair reading a stack of books. It was an assault on the senses just looking at this page. There was so much there.
It was an ad for DKNY belts. I don't know.
Jo so hot right now Jo
this picture makes me think you have cool glasses. and that i can't really tell what's going on with your left hand.
I know from when I was a kid that Australia is upside-down. I didn't realize that Afghanistan is at a 45 degree angle. When I think of it now, it makes sense.
when I was a kid I always used to mix up the words angels and angles as well as girl and grill.
Woow, I've never screamed a song in my head until just then.
So has the female equivalent of GQ been calling yet? What is the female equivalent of GQ anyway? Glamour? National Enquirer?
I think it's horse and hound
Hmmm...when I saw your ad I had this compelling urge to join the AF. Or was it move to Afganistan...?
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