A Girl Named Jo

you'd think something little would be easy to hide.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Di speaks a little French, I speak less Spanish, most people we came across spoke a little English. It worked out.

My leave was incredable. It was the perfect blend of adventure and time with wonderful women. I have really missed good friends here so having the time to sit and talk and be confused and plan for our futures and giggle and be weird... it has rejuvinated me and I'm ready to push through these last 4 months.

I got to Madrid a few days before Diana landed so I flew up to Paris to meet up with Tim, who is doing wonderful and has a great girlfriend... very fun. When I flew back to Madrid I waited at the AP for Diana and we went off to Krissy's. Krissy was in her finals week so Di and I took off for the South.

Lesson #1. When the train stops jump off or you will miss getting to see Cordoba.
Lesson #2. Missing your stop is no big deal because Sevilla is so sweet having an extra day there is marvelous. Di and I saw a Flameco dance. I will forever associate it with getting really sweaty as the dancer did 2 costume changes and definetly was drenched by the end of it all.
Lesson #3. Guapa means pretty. Diana's blond hair and blue eyes are "perfecto!"

We took the train to Granada where we met an incredable pair who cut us up in line, after 4 hours of waiting so that we could see the Alhambra. That was probably my favorite thing we saw the whole trip. I've never seen anything like this fortress on top of the hill with 2 palaces inside, both amazing. The gardens alone with fountains everywhere would have been worth the hike up the hill. Amazingly beutiful.

After our southern travel we went back up to Madrid to cheer Krissy on to finish her finals where we went to a few meuseums and dd some shopping. Then the three of us took off to Barcelona which was my favorite city. In Barcelona we saw the Picaso museum, the very impressive Sagrada Familia, Parc Gual and learned that if you go down a deserted alley crawl under the closed gate and knock on the door there will be a sweet after hours bar who will unlock the door and let you in for drinks until the sun rises. The capitol of shoe stores, Barcelona also has the world most amazing chocolate jelado, which was too much for me to handle.
Lesson #4. Stay away from hippies traveling around Europe staying in cheap hostels. They think loading oil in your hair will get rid of lice because they will slip out.
Segrada Familia was my second favorite thing we saw, I really hope one day I will get to see it in more of a complete form. There is nothing like it.

The trip was filled with long conversations over wine on every topic possible. There was sleeping in, great food, sillyness, hilarious pictures, scary stairs, gross lice infested hippies, breathtaking sights and most importantly great friends. I was so sad to have to leave, which wasn't a reality until the last couple days I was there. I am so thankful I got to spend time with Krissy and Diana it could not have been more fun.


At 11:03 PM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

I can't post pictures right now, when I can I will.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger EGlideDad said...

Wow! What a trip.

We are under 2+ feet of snow. I will post some pictures on my blog later.

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds so awesome

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

Jo! I'm glad you're back to Afghanistan safe! It was so great seeing you, and you and Di made my finals much less stressful with wine and dinner breaks. (Di, come back and make me omlettes!). Love you lots, I hope these 4 months fly by.

At 7:51 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

Krissy, I secretly hope you stay in Madrid a long time so we can come back to go to the beaches in the summer! Just let us know when your finals are over, we'll come after, not during next time!!


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