A Memorial Day to Remember
I was exhausted to begin with, we had been working late nights and early mornings for the past few days. The boss was putting together the speech for our ceremony and I was looking forward to a low ops tempo day. I was up to the usual things, running at the last minute to get the boss and snapping pictures. The ceremony we had was really nice. My boss gave a great speech and maybe it is because we are here but this was the best ceremony for memorial day I have been to. We honored those who have paid the ultimate price in this past year in Afghanistan by having their names read, it was humbling.
Soon after, we received report on a car accident that happened down town. I will not write the detail, unfortunetly you will have to look them up. By the time we had heard, the people had all rallied together and we were on lock down on Camp. After the accident, I believe there were no Americans involved. Apart from having things thrown at convoys/cars, we were able to get all our people in safely without further incident.
I was not afraid or worried for my safety, just so tired from running on empty on such a hectic day. I don't know if it was the authorities or the croud but people were popping off rounds and setting things on fire and looting, regular riot behavior.
This was the first time my boss was left here as the senior lead. The General who runs this place was gone and so was the second General who is the counterpart to my boss. So this was quite the introduction to being the lead on a deployed base. He handled everything awesomely, it was comforting to know he was in charge.
I am not going to put any link to news reporting on this because if they all did as bad a job as CNN on covering the riot I will become angry (punch punch). The twisting and wrong reporting on this incident will and has caused additional danger to our own troops. If you know what happened, you'd see that CNN covered the story and reported 2 times within the story the same events, on 2 events. They even tried to link this riot to an offensive against a taliban camp down in the south, which makes it sound like the military took offensive forceful action during this riot while in actuality, the only people involved were the Afghan police and Afghan National Army... twisted reporting. The offensive with the Taliban wasn't even in the same region, not even close.
I am frustrated that we show the same clip of how people hate us, but the US press will never show the incredible reconstruction happening for this and other countries.
I think the initial point of this was to tell you everyone is safe with a PS of don't believe everything reported.