you'd think something little would be easy to hide.
posted by jo portnoy @ 11:53 AM
Is my butt still there? Wait yeah it is. Wait is it? Oh yeah it is.
no, the question is... does it look the same when I open the fridge as when I walk through the door?
No, the question is... "who the heck took those pictures?"
And why are they so tiny? Um, not that I was looking for something or anything...
You'd think something so little would be easy to hide, or so I've heard.PS Doesn't joLo sound kinda like Jello, Little Miss Spring Loaded?
PPS Those pictures are my handiwork. Anyone want another classic close-up for things you have trouble seeing?
baj, if you sell them I want some of the profit.
Actuallu Baj I tool them with your camera while you were washing dishes. You Dish Washer.
The first word it Clugarian for Actually.yo.
So, I was washing dishes, eh? And you just happened to be photographing the most important area of square footage in the room?What kind of soap was I using?
dawn.wait, are we measuring by the square foot?
2 sq...wait no 3 sq ft. Wow! Springy! What? That's a word.
you're building your own dog house before I put you in respect, joLo, hellooooo at least 4 sqft
Pa dink a donk dunk. But really, to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: Pa dunk a dunk dunk.
You girls are odd.
uh, nice outfit.
I'm a llama
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Is my butt still there? Wait yeah it is. Wait is it? Oh yeah it is.
no, the question is... does it look the same when I open the fridge as when I walk through the door?
No, the question is... "who the heck took those pictures?"
And why are they so tiny? Um, not that I was looking for something or anything...
You'd think something so little would be easy to hide, or so I've heard.
PS Doesn't joLo sound kinda like Jello, Little Miss Spring Loaded?
PPS Those pictures are my handiwork. Anyone want another classic close-up for things you have trouble seeing?
baj, if you sell them I want some of the profit.
Actuallu Baj I tool them with your camera while you were washing dishes. You Dish Washer.
The first word it Clugarian for Actually.
So, I was washing dishes, eh? And you just happened to be photographing the most important area of square footage in the room?
What kind of soap was I using?
wait, are we measuring by the square foot?
2 sq...wait no 3 sq ft. Wow! Springy! What? That's a word.
you're building your own dog house before I put you in it.
no respect, joLo, hellooooo at least 4 sqft
Pa dink a donk dunk. But really, to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:
Pa dunk a dunk dunk.
You girls are odd.
uh, nice outfit.
I'm a llama
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