Is this really an old saying?
Mom~ Don't give it up easily Joanna, you know the old saying.
Me~ No, what's the old saying?
Mom~ Don't give it up easily.
I think the real question is what does my Mom think I'm giving up?? haha. I love my Mom.
OK here is a picture of a little Donkey and big Man. I'm convinced he stops it by dragging his feet.
Jo! Don't give it up so easily. Your mom is right.
I woke up today thinking about this picture, and it made me laugh. Kinda Loony Toonish.
Stop being so funny. It makes me miss you too much.
Keep being funny. It makes me feel better.
Looks like an Afghan Harley to me. Do you think it has loud pipes?
Depends what you call a pipe, I heard one heehawing pretty good one day.
I'd like to move for the term of "heehaw" being switched to "honking" for a donkey. Whose in?
Shenanagins! You can't just go around proclaiming such things all willy-nilly. There has to be order, Jo. This is not 'Nam.
you win - funniest comment.
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