Joxter, Dexto

Some crazy person thought it would be a good idea to give me an intern. His name is Dexter and I will meet him on Monday. I don't know anything about him so I am going to make some guesses.
1. I bet he likes animals with people names.
2. I bet he like harmony.
If I am right, then I am in super luck. Here are my families pets, hanging out in the normal position. The cat, Dirt, always is sitting on Gary, the guinea pigs cage. And Emily the dog has convinced herself that she gave birth to both.
My boss cc'd me on the email he wrote D-$ in which I am referred to as a "very special person".
Dear Spring Loaded,
You are a "very special person". That's how I always describe you in emails.
My dog's name is Sam.
Dear Slinky,
Let's say he has a pet crocodile named Chloe, and his voice has the peculiar resemblance of Cher . . .
are you going to show him your blog?
Dear Slinky Loaded,
Let's also say that he spends way too much time blogging already and Chloe the crocodile lives in a baby pool in the living room or his apt.
Dear Colorado Springs,
Let's also suggest that he actually likes soy lattes and has a part time job selling athletic supporters to wild pandas . . .
do you think you'll invite him to sing at St. Elmo's?
If he sings like Cher and wears the panda athletic supporter, will you still borrow his calculator to balance your checkbook?
I think I'm on to something.
I was researching the web, and I found that your new intern is actually the son of retired Navy Admiral John Poindexter, former National Security Advisor under Ronald Reagan who was convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, defrauding the government, and destroying evidence in the Iran Contra scandal.
He was given a job in the Pentagon in 2002, but resigned a year later when, under intense media scrutiny, funding for his department was cut.
Anyway, Dexter Poindexter is his son, and your job as his leader will be to show him the ropes of inter-governmental integrity.
Try to keep it on the straight and narrow.
I hope not.
How is Detxrose?
I don't know what to give Dextamax. I had him reading reports and braiding my hair, but I'm now out of ideas! what can I have him do while we are waiting to get the data we need to do our research?
I would have him give you a back massage and wax your Ferrari. You don't have a Ferrari you say? Tell him all interns buy Ferraris for their bosses, and then wax them, and then braid their boss's hair. If said boss is a guy, back hair braiding is acceptable/required.
I miss you schmoopie. So do Jimmy and Holly... the dogs. One time I was in charge of mentoring a cadet. I wish I had some good advice, but the reality is that he ended up shredding paper and filing stuff.
my Dad has bad back hair, and once I took a brush and combed patterns into it.
I find that building things is a good idea. Let him build you a new car and then he can wax that. Oh Oh you can have him do push ups. Push ups is good. I'm doing them right now. Yay push ups!
It's hard to do push ups and type at the same time.
Monty, if he has back hair that needs braiding, he should be concerned about waxing things other than cars.
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