A Girl Named Jo

you'd think something little would be easy to hide.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Do I work for the General, or does he work for me?

I got sick one night with a fever I think and the next morning I had the hardest time staying alert. After lunch my boss sent me home to get rest for a few hours. He took my cell phone, which gets all the calls on it and proceeded to answer the incoming calls "Lt Charron's office, General C speaking". Some people laughed and some told me they didn't even know what to say because, Generals don't answer Lt's phones. so funny.

Later the same day I had a gate entrance code on a post-it that someone dropped off for me. I had to share it with one of the marines and handed him the post-it note to look at. Before I copied it, he took one look at it, crumpled it up and ate it. I wasn't really sure how to react so I asked what it tasted like. He said the sticky part makes it chewy.

Then I got attacked by someone blowing bubbles at me. I didn't mind so much since they smell like blueberries.


At 8:19 AM, Blogger Chandster said...

I know I just sent you an email that said this but your boss is so cool. Also you be super careful when you start senteneces with "I got attacked". Bubbles are alright though. MMmmm...post its.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger blake said...

If bubbles are the worst thing you can be attacked with, then I would very much question the necessity of your position in Afghanistan.

However, it's good to know that the messages don't simply self-destruct on their own (like on Inspector Gadget). They require a little involvement.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Chandster said...

So I've decided something. I am going to hire a general of my very own to answer phones for me. What do you think?


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